Tuesday, November 2, 2010

People Who Shouldn’t Read My Blog

1. Grammar Nazi’s – I mean, Nazis in general are unwanted but since I don’t foresee too much Jew bashing going on in this blog, I’ll just assume they’re not reading this anyway. Since I spent most of my life in the New York City public school system and had to recently let go of my personal copy editor (damn economy!) expect to see a ton of grammatical errors. Any comments regarding syntax, misplaced commas or improper usage of semicolons will be met with the cyber equivalent of a swift kick to the ‘nads. Which brings me to…

2. People Without a Sense of Humor – As much as I love prudes who don’t have a funny bone in their bodies, (stand-up comedians have to make fun of someone right?) I have a very sarcastic sense of humor which, in case you haven’t noticed, will be proudly displayed in this blog. If that’s not your cup of tea, I would simply love to have a chat on how I can rework my blog to better meet your needs.

3. Hipsters – Hipsters were so much cooler before everyone knew what one was.

4. Haters – By haters I mean racists, sexists, homophobes and any people who find the need to tear down others simply for being different instead of judging people on a person-to-person basis. This obviously doesn't apply to hipsters since they aren't technically people.

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